
I have enjoyed the practice of yoga for over 30 years and completed the Yoga Alliance training while living overseas. My background in Traditional Chinese Medicine, has given me a deep understanding of many physical and emotional health problems, which I have seen helped by the practice of yoga.  

Yoga is a wonderful way of relaxing the mind, finding inner calm, softening tension, experiencing more energy and finding balance.  But it is also able to help resolve many physical symptoms, such as headaches, neck and shoulder tension, low back pain, tiredness, insomnia.

There are many reasons why people practice yoga but usually there is a sense of needing to be more present.  People are often drawn to yoga when they're feeling out of balance, overwhelmed, apprehensive or anxious, or because they want to feel healthier and stronger in themselves.

The slow relaxed movements, and deep breathing, of yoga help us to relax more deeply and release tension in the body that may be causing stress and pain, so that our energy can flow more freely and vibrantly. 

All ages are welcome as her classes are designed to take into account any physical limitations that a student may have, whilst still deriving all the positive benefits such as greater strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation.


Please note that I’m currently taking a break from teaching regular classes but watch this space for details of future Yoga/Qi Gong Workshops.

What is Qi Gong

Qi Gong is a movement practice that involves engaging with a series of gentle, slow flowing movements that help us to breathe deeply and allow the mind to become still and calm.  The slow circular movements of Qi gong also improve the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body thus restoring vitality, strength and support to joints and muscles that may have become weakened through injury, repetitive use, or age.

Qi Gong is an exercise that has been practised for thousands of years in china as a way to cultivate balance, strength, relaxation and flexibility. It has been described as the 'art of effortless flow' as it helps you to release unnecessary tension in the body and increase the circulation of our vital energy. The more fluid you become in your movements, the more you can increase the flow of blood and energy circulating though out your body.  

When we are healthy and vibrant our energy flows like water. Qi Gong is a wonderful way to create space in the mind and the body, transforming deeply held tension into softness and fluidity and preventing constriction from taking root in the body.

My love for both movement forms inform my teaching today.  


Watch this space for details of online Qi Gong classes 


Introduction to Qi Gong

This workshop will introduce the basic concepts underpinning of Qi gong and help you to discover the many health benefits of this practice.  Students will be taught how to mindfully engage with a series of gentle, yet at the same time strengthening, slow flowing movements, as well as learning some of the philosophical ideas informing this deeply relaxing moving meditation. In this workshop we will move, breathe and deeply relax, to improve energy and allow the mind to become still and calm.

If you have any questions or would like further information about this session, please contact me on 07583-291616 or email me at  If you'd like to book a place then please contact York Yoga Studio directly on 01904-785704 or email:

Date: Sunday 6th October 2019; Time: 10.15-11.30am; Place: York Yoga Studio; Cost: £9